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A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

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Why is my ping goes very high when playing csgo?

Every time I go on a faceit match my long goes 500-600ms

My ping goes high for 2 or 3 rounds every match

It is very annoying

My average ping on csgo is 60

My average network speed is 100 mb/s but when the ping goes high for ~5 min my network speed is 5 mb/s

I someone tell me how to fix this problem?

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Could be your CPU and/or GPU being outdated or insufficient for running CSGO. Could also be that too much RAM is taken up and you need to clear up some storage.

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Ping is a network parameter. It measures the time it takes for your ping to go to the target and back. It doesn't have anything to do with your computer. You might want to do a tracert or traceroute to see where in the path the delay is. Ultimately, there is nothing you can do about it.


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Make sure no other applications or devices are using up your bandwidth. Or, if you’re on WiFi, try switching to a wired connection for a more stable connection.

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kozeriukas lt wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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