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Informationen zur Reparatur und Demontage der Logitech MX Master 3 kabellosen Maus. Sie wurde 2019 auf den Markt gebracht und ist durch die Modellnummern MR0077, 910-005692, 910-005620 oder 910-005647 gekennzeichnet.

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Left click not working randomly

Hi There,

I have a 3 year old MX Master 3, that from time to time does not register left clicks. The click feels normal, but it doesn't happen on the OS. I tried it with Windows, MacOS and iPadOS all with same behavior.

Is it possible to replace the switch?

Thanks in advance,

Diese Frage beantworten Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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just replace your left button switch, it should solve your problem

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Thanks for this feedback. Where can I get the parts to do this fix?


I am also interested in this. Where can I purchase the switch?

also is the switch hotswap? or solder?


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i think Replace the switch is the only way to fix, you can also replace silent switch

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