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Reparaturanleitungen und Demontageinformationen für Apples iPad der 10. Generation. Veröffentlicht am 18. Oktober 2022.

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Reasonable Repair Price Inquiries for iPad 10th Gen

Does anyone know of any third-party sellers/repair stores near Griffin/McDonough/Jonesborough/Stockbridge/Morrow area that could repair Touch ID and Cracked screen under the charge of 320; or even stores that sell the iPad 10th gen for under 320.

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I'm going to disagree with @maximilian12 here; the power button is not replaceable due to the part pairing, but depending on what's wrong with it, it could be repairable. For example, a damaged FPC connector can be replaced fairly easily by a shop with the right experience. There are repair facilities out there that are capable of a wide variety of repairs depending on exactly what's wrong with your power button.

Unfortunately, your list of places doesn't narrow it down for a lot of us; are those counties in a state? Are you in the US? A state and a nearby city will be a lot more useful if so.

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I agree with this


State of Georgia in the United States. I'd say for a city maybe Stockbridge Georgia and Griffin Georgia


Theres a site that offers glass replacement, but they don't have the 7a as one of the Pixel options yet. You could check with them to see if they do them yet.



What if your iPad 10 has cosmetic damage


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unfortunately touch ID is paired to the iPad so it is not repairable

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can still replace with 3rd party part, but you will loose Touch ID


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