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Der Nintendo Game Boy Advance kam 2001 auf den Markt. Für Reparaturen braucht man keine besonderen Werkzeuge und keine Wärme.

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How should I remove rust on the battery terminal?

Hello! I just bought this Game Boy Advance today and noticed that there was rust on the battery terminal. It still works fine, but the power indicator light flickers from green to red, probably because of the poor battery connection. It is only on this one terminal, so I want to try to clean it off. What is the best way to do this without damaging the motherboard? I could also replace the terminal but I would rather keep the OEM one.

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Bex bw-100 electrical contact cleaner is a good option as well as 91% or higher isopropyl alcohol.

Oxo makes a slicone cleaning tool with a blade like nib and a brush that I highly recommend

Qtips are also a valid option

If there is any tough corrosion you can GENTLY pick and scrape at it with ifixit's sharp tweezers.

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Instead of disassembling the terminal to replace it, you can also disassemble/clean/reassemble the OEM one, for example see this post from DigiKey or this one (it works for battery terminals in general). If you can't disassemble it, do not use liquids for cleaning (usually you don't want them near anything electronic) but something like a brush to remove as much "rust" as possible

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