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A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

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Blank screen/No signal

Built a PC. Everything shows it is running. The screen is npt connecting to anything. I have tried different monitors and different setups, different hard drives. No BiOS or anything comes up.

ASUS Prime Z590-P WiFi motherboard

Intel Core i7 11700F processor

GTX PCIe 730 Graphics card


I have reset CMOS. I have taken everything out.

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Hi @familyfun37946,

Is the 16GB memory, 2 modules i.e. 2 x 8GB or one 16GB module? Depending on number of memory modules have you installed them as per p.1-5 of the user manual?

The PC may not be passing POST (power on self test)

Try connecting a system speaker (example only) to the speaker pins on the System Panel connector on the motherboard (see p.1-20 of the manual for location of header and speaker pins) and check for any beep error codes (see beep code table on p.2-19).

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They are two different sticks. They are seated in properly and everything. They even light up.

I will try the speaker test. It did not come with one, so I will have to get one. Thanks!


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