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SMD Component fell of. What is it

The SMD-Component marked in Blue fell of my Motherboard. Does anyone know what it is (and where to order it). Might it be the cause of my black screen (Touch is working, however you can only see black?

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looks like a capacitor which wouldn't cause that issue


show us a photo of the actual board and not a stock photo


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@finn75559 my esteemed colleague @tech_ni is absolutely correct. Again :-)

The missing part is reference designator C503 which is Samsung part number 2203-005736 which is a 100PF, 5%, 25V, ceramic chip capacitor in a 0603 package.

Looks more like Audio than Video

Block Image

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@oldturkey03 i just went by the colour of the component, didnt look schematics lol


@tech_ni at least you were right. I am not as good as you guys by figuring things out just by looking at it. I still need my schematics for those repairs. Amateur :-) It even looks like the cap just connects to ground so it most likely could remain missing :-)


@oldturkey03 if there is plenty of caps on the rail it will still function fine, just the chances are if the rail fails again it will be a different cap


@oldturkey03 stock photos from google are no help when trying to help someone with an issue either lol


@tech_ni definitely not. That is why I habitually ask the OP to post their boards, At least with having the OP use their images, we can ask for further clarifications or to zoom in etc. Makes all the difference in the world. One of the goals of iFixit Answers has always been that you get individual answers here. Not the "me too" stuff from the other forums. People need to understand what we are needing to help out.


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