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A wireless, more traditional, video game controller produced by Nintendo for the Switch system. Model number: HAC-013.

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Odd right stick behavior after water damage repair

My daughter dropped my pro controller in the bathtub as I was filling it. I disassembled it, dried it, left it in rice overnight, and reassembled. I dry fit and tested it and it luckily worked fine with a left stick calibration. Once I fully reassembled through I had a right stick problem. It seems like it just needs calibration (just a bit off and pushes down) but when I go to calibrate I can’t. The “pre-screen” that shows stick movement does register all 4 directions even though they are off a bit and push down, but when I push X to calibrate and get to that screen, it doesn’t register that I’m pushing the stick left as instructed and I can’t get further.

I’ve reopened it, removed the control stick knobs, cleaned with alcohol and compressed air and reassembled. I’ve also tried disassociated the controller with the switch and re-pairing. But I get the same result.

Clearly it sees the stick moving in the various directions so I’m at a loss as to why I can’t attempt the recalibration and my efforts aren’t getting me anywhere.

Anyone have some advice for me? This is the limited edition TotK one and I really want to preserve it!

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I've seen similar things happen if you calibrate a control stick multiple times. Try tapping Y in the Calibrate Control Sticks menu to return the stick to its default settings. If it allows you to do this, try to calibrate once more. You may find success in that case.

If this doesn't try waiting for a few seconds on calibration screen when it doesn't read inputs. If it still doesn't read inputs after a few seconds, move the joystick slowly toward one of the arrows and see if it starts responding within a few attempts. If all else fails, another method I've read used is to keep the Switch undocked and touch the screen when trying to calibrate.

I hope one of these works out and that your controller will be in good working order soon.

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