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Burned dead TPS51285 Identification

Hey there an IC in my laptop it's the TPS51285 but I'm not sure if it's the the A B or C model and if it's the RUKR or the RUKT variant, in the picture below you can see the dead IC but you can't see the other half and I don't have better pictures

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Block Image
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@abonion1500 the difference between the RUKR and the RUKT is strictly based on the output supply being Tape and Reel for the RUKR and Mini reel for the RUKT. TPS51285A refers to a Vreg G3 component and the TPS51285B is a Vreg G3 and Vreg G5

The schematic for your motherboard indicates that your IC is a SN51285ARUKR which comes back to a TPS51285ARUKR. For your purpose the individual IC will be a TPS51285A regardless of the trailing letters.

Check the datasheet TPS51285A

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