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Dies ist die kleinere kostengünstigere Version von Samsung zehntem Galaxy Flaggschiff-Smartphone, das im Februar 2019 auf den Markt kam. Es wird mit Android 9.0 (Pie) geliefert.

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charging light is blinking

Charging notification light blinks instead of the charge volt indicator. What up with that? I replaced the original battery today myself. What is that supposed to be doing?

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Hi @msmsmak,

Does the blinking stop after sufficient time in your estimation has elapsed to fully charge the battery?

If it does, does the phone turn on with a display OK when the charger is connected?


It only blinks when its connected to charger. Screen is operating normally otherwise. Battery care setting shows normal. I did notice that the rear cover is nominally cracked.


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1 Antwort

Make sure the back cover and all parts are reassembled before trying to charge, some Samsungs won’t charge if it detects the cover isn’t seated properly.

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