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Why couldn't find my laptop? How to change it's screen?


I have HP Laptop 15- n245ee.

There is white line appearing in the screen from time to another is it required to change it?

How to change it's screen??

Why this model is not here?

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Hi @haithamamer

ifixit cannot be expected to provide free repair guides for every make and model of device. They couldn't afford it. It is wonderful that they provide a free platform for others to use.

Most repair guides found on ifixit are provided by users¹ who want to help others fix their own devices.

Here's the maintenance and service guide taken from this support webpage for the laptop.

Go to p.49 to view the procedure to remove/replace the display panel.

On the top of p.49 you will find the spare part number for the panel i.e. 732080-001.

Search online using the part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

¹ If you feel like adding to the number of guides if you ever repair any devices that aren't listed, please feel free to do so. Here's how on ifixit How to Create a Guide

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