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The Nissan Altima is a mid-size automobile manufactured by Nissan, and is arguably a continuation of the Nissan Bluebird line, which began in 1957.

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Fuel Level Sensor Code

my 2006 Altima is throwing a code. Need to replace the fuel level sensor. If I replace that do I have to replace the fuel pump as well?

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@tracyulloa what code does the scanner give you?


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Hi Tracy,

According to Nissan, yes, the fuel sender is only sold by them as an integral part of the fuel pump assembly.

However, I've had several cars, including my son's DeVille, where that was the case but was able to purchase the sender separately and install it on the pump myself. The bad news here is that for the life of me I can't find anyone selling just the fuel sender by itself for your car.

There are lots of guys on here who are good at this sort of thing, so it's not time to give up hope, but some more information may help. Specifically, what engine your Altima has and the "trim level" would enable us to pin down parts more precisely on auto parts websites.

Update (07/27/23)

Oh, just in case, in my research I did run across a video on how to replace the fuel pump assembly; it says it's a video on replacing the fuel level sending unit, which I suppose is technically true, but they're really just replacing the whole pump. This specifically says it's for the 2.5L L4 engine, so I don't know if it's also applicable to the 6 cylinder motor or not.

How to Replace Fuel Sending Unit 04-06 Nissan Altima L4 2.5L - YouTube

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