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The EOS 6D was released in 2012 as Canon’s first consumer-level, full-frame DSLR. It comes pre-equipped with a 2.75”x2” LCD viewing screen, a GPS antenna and wifi connectivity.

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Completely dead Canon 6D - how to troubleshoot (chip level)


My 6D died and i assume a broken chip component somewhere. Maybe was a bit too long in the sun. Does anybody has some insight totroubleshoot a 6D on the chip level, or

  1. Check the power distribution board?
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@davidlamafan I would check for power first. If there is any possibility that it may have gotten too hot, start with a new battery. If that does not work, Time to disassemble and to take a closer look at tall power board. You may be lucky and find a fuse on that board. Use these guides to work on your camera Canon EOS 6D OF course, your can also use videos [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUl9cV5G... |like this} as a guide. The other 2 videos in this "series" are also posted on YT.

Post some good (well focused and large enough images) of your boards etc. That way we can see what you see.

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