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Repair information for the fall 2018 addition to the ASUS ROG Zephyrus lineup. This is a high-end gaming laptop in the thinnest frame for those specs at the time. Model number: GX531GS-AH76.

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Using different edc cable

Hey, so i have zephyrus s gx531gxr. It uses 40 pin edc cable that i have to replace. I have ordered cable from similar model (gx531gx) by mistake, and I am wondering if this cable will work on my device. The main difference is that the gx531gxr has 240hz screen and gx531gx has 144hz.

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@filipklaczek for as long as the pitch of the pins is identical it should work. I did not see any crossover etc, so I would definitely give it a try. After all, if it does not work, you will know that you need to get an original.

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Hi @filipklaczek,

If it doesn't work the Asus part number for a GX531GXR EDP cable is 14005-02780800.

Search online using the part number to find suppliers that suit you best.


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