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9th generation Honda compact car.

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Why is my check emissions and check transmission service on

Why is my check emissions and check transmission service on

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Hi @smfsteve,

Get the vehicle's OBDII port scanned with a scan tool to see what codes are being shown.

They will tell you what the problem is. Major auto parts retail stores in the USA e.g. AutoZone will do this for free apparently.

Regarding the transmission, when was the last time that the transmission fluid was checked/changed?

Usually the transmission fluid should be changed every 37,500m (~60,000Km) under severe driving condition or 120,000m (~190,000Km) under normal driving conditions.

Here's a video that shows how to check if the transmission fluid level is OK. If the level is OK, check that it doesn't have a burnt smell which indicates that it is old and needs changing.

Here's a link regarding what the colour of the transmission fluid looks like which gives an indication if there's anything wrong that may help as well.

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You need to start by scanning the codes. The CEL and the transmission service light may be related, but they may not be related. Start there, then troubleshoot based on the codes. As Jayevf mentioned, you'll want to think back to when the last time you serviced the transmission and check the fluid to see if it needs to be replaced, but scan the codes first to make sure there isn't a bigger problem.

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