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The Aspire 7741Z is a notebook by Acer with a 17.3" HD widescreen LED-backlit display.

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Is my notebook dead? Black screen with blinking cursor.

I have a Acer Aspire 7741z-4643 notebook. I have a blank screen with a blinking dash. I can do a f2 on it. It will go the Acer logo and than I have a blank screen. How can I fix this. Or is this the end for my laptop. Please help

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Jeanette B, sounds to me like you either lost some start up files from your OS or that your Hard drive has failed. try to start your computer with an OS in the CD drive (set your BIOS to use it as first boot device) I would try something like Puppy Linux etc, just to see if your computer boots up into that Operating System. Or you can try to reinstall your current operating system. Also try (if you are running Windows on your computer) to hit F8 right after the Acer Logo comes up. This might get you into Windows safe mode.

The other issues with the Acer's is a BIOS issue where you get a blank screen only. Acer's have a BIOS recovery utility, and you might want to read through these instructions. But that should be one of the last things to do, since it can get a little tricky. Let us know what works and what does not so we can continue to narrow it down. Good Luck.

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Unplug anything in usb ports and try again. Works for me

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Omg I'd u have a acer this is what worked for me press 48 while acer is loading press repair and then press system recovery or system repair I pressed recovery and my cp is now back to normal!! Yay!

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FANTASTIC!! I was logged out of my computer at my school and this fixed it!


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It seems like your Operating system got corrupted so in this situation you need to use windows recovery disk or windows installation disk on your computer and then you need to run it. once you will run it then you will get an option for repair your windows you need to click on that and then you need to follow the instructions then your windows will be repair.

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You can use a tool named Windows Boot Genius to fix the blue screen of death. Here are deatiled steps below:

Step 1: Burn a Bootable Disk

Utilize a computer that works normally to create a boot disk by following steps: Install Windows Boot Genius (http://www.windowspasswordsrecovery.com/...) on it, insert a blank CD/DVD or a USB drive into this computer. Launch this software, and specify your device from the drop-down list. Click "Burn" to start to burn a boot disk.

laptop blue screen

Step 2: Boot Computer from CD/DVD/USB

Then insert this boot disk into the laptop that get blue screen. Start this computer and press F12 to get into the Boot Menu, then set CD or USB as the first boot device. Press F10. And the computer restart and attempt to boot from CD or USB.

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The Same problem has happened to my windows acer. You might need a new hard drive because you lost boot files.

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