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Pink Screen need help to solve it

My laptop screen turned pink and below the screen pixels are going dark in an horizontal line everytime I use it. so what should I do??

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Hi @alwynhenry

Connect an external monitor (TV?) to the laptop's HDMI port and check if the display on it is OK. Press the F10 key (or maybe Fn + F10) to toggle the display between the laptop screen, the external monitor or both on together.

if the external display is OK there may be a problem with either the laptop's eDP (video) cable/cable connection or the LCD panel in the laptop.

Here's the hardware maintenance manual for the laptop.

Go to p.50 to view the steps to remove the LCD panel. This will allow you to check if the eDP cable connection onthe motherboard is OK, if the cable is OK and not damaged where it passes through the hinge to get to the lid and also to replace the LCD panel if that is the problem.

The part numbers for the 8 different LCD panels that can be used in the laptop model can be found on p.62 - see Item #3. Usually the part number can be found on the back of the LCD panel if you wish to verify which one is used in your laptop.

Search online using the appropriate to your laptop part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

If the eDP cable is damaged, its part number is Item #4 on p.62 i.e. 5C10R34877

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