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Model numbers JSN-L21 and JSN-L42.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Lag issues and storage being filled out of nowhere

Lag issues my ping in games rondomly jumps and increases

Storage fulling up out of nowhere like the other day I had 18 gbs used and now I have 25 used nothing downloaded in between them days

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Hi @meanpg3d

Download, install and run an anti malware program to ensure that there's no malware in the phone.

Once done, start the phone in safe mode and check if it now works OK.

If it does then a downloaded app¹ may be the cause of the problem. The trick is to find out which one. You will need to uninstall each downloaded app one by one and start the phone in normal mode between each uninstall to see if it works OK or not. When it does, the last downloaded app that was uninstalled was the culprit.

¹ A downloaded app is one that you downloaded and installed on the phone and wasn't pre-installed on the phone when you first got it.

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