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The Dell Inspiron 13-7373 (2-in-1) was released in 2015. It is a 2-in-1 notebook/laptop hybrid with touchscreen capabilities. Model number: 41449272734

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Microphone is not working. Where do I find it?

The microphone in the device is not working. I searched for manuals and its not mentioned anywhere. Can some one please point me where I can find it and Is it possible to replace it.

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@mightyteja first thing you want to check is the Device Manager: Audio inputs and outputs.
Also make sure that the "Show hidden devices" is checked so it can show those as well. Now you need to find pout if there are any mics listed. If so, you have to make sure that it is enabled.

The Dell Inspiron series has the microphones near the camera in the bezel.

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Hi @mightyteja,

Also check in Control Panel > Sound > Recording to see if the microphone has been selected etc.


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