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P key needs new nipple; contact works. How to replace?

Hi all

I have a PB here with a P key not working. I've replaced the scissor mechanism but the problem is that the springy rubber nipple is damaged. When I press on the contact underneath, it does type Ps with apparent contentment.

I found a source at http://www.irithm.com/Mac.key.replacemen...

with pretty good instructions, but, while they can provide the nipple, they don't say how to install it. It appears to be glued onto the keyboard base. (ifixit only sells complete keyboards.)

Any suggestions?

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Hi Colleen! I just place the rubber piece where it goes on the contact, and then carefully press the key down on top of it. The key will click in place, and as long as the rubber part is in the right spot, it will be trapped in the proper position by the scissor mechanism and should function normally. It's not necessary to fasten it down, and in fact adhesives are not a good idea because they often disrupt the function of the contact, or affect the springiness of the rubber piece.

Also, if you are removing the rubber piece from another keyboard to use on your keyboard, you can use a razor to cut it out, or I just pinch it hard with two fingers and pull upward, and it normally comes right out.

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Confirmed - DO NOT GLUE.

I glued at first. It messed up the downward plunge, made the nipple too rigid. Had to literally shave off the old nipple and glue with a knife.

A careful, careful installation without glue yielded the perfect result. My key works like new now.


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Hi Colleen, I found a url detailing the info I believe you are asking for. Hope it is--good luck. Ralph

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rj713 that is not applicable to what she is asking - mac rubber cups do not attach to the keys.


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The main job of rubber plunger is to push the key back up so if the issue is the key press is not being detected it might be another problem. In my case my R key was sometimes not detected or double registered. The trace (the metal lines that carry the keyboard signals) looked dirty, black instead of silver. It was the R key on a 2015 MacBook Pro 15” with USA layout and it was the trace doing to the right. I used a very small flat head screwdriver and pushed it under the thin plastic layer that is on to of the trace and scrape the dirt away a few times. Then the key registered correctly.

Unfortunately I had messed with the plunger a little to see if there was any dirt under it and half is now not stuck down so now I need to see if it will be ok or needs to be glued back on fully.

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