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Similar to the Dell OptiPlex 7010 in specs.

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My PC Is Not Turning On Orange Light(Read Full Description))

My PC Shows An Orange Light I Have Changed The CMOS battery and Also power supply and also Ram but it does not turn on plz help me with this problem

Update (09/17/23)

thats issue

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Hi @muhammadab87909

Is the amber light blinking or on steady?

Here's a link that shows what the problem may be depending on what the amber light is doing.

Find the section on the page entitled Diagnostic LEDs for the OptiPlex series (2012 to 2020) and click on the Power button LED link and the Diagnostic Indicator table link in that section

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It remains steady for a while and then it starts blinking



Is there a pattern to the blinking e.g. 2 blinks > small pause > 1 blink > small pause > 2 blinks > small pause > or perhaps 3 blinks > small pause > 1 blink > small pause > 3 blinks > small pause > 1 blink etc

Check the Diagnostic Indicator table to see if there's a pattern mentioned that matches what is happening with the amber light.

Be sure that it is under the Diagnostic LEDs for the OptiPlex series (2012 to 2020) section as this is the one relevant to your model.


It goes like 2 blinks and 1 blink



This indicates a problem is on the motherboard

According to the indicator table:

two blinks followed by a short pause, one blink, long pause, then repeats. Bad Motherboard Replace the motherboard.

Maybe check for any obvious component damage on the motherboard e.g. burnt out or bulging components.


Is there anything that I can do at home without repair because I have no money


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you should try the troubleshoot method that is to take the cable that is coming out of the power supply

unplug it , than wait a few seconds and than plug it again.

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