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Repair and disassembly guides for electronic keyboards.

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Yamaha psr e343 battery port change

I opened my keyboard after a long time like years and I had the batteries inside it too, so now all the batteries are rushed and the whole battery port is ruined. I did try starting up the keyboard with charger and it lights up but only when I keep pressing the ON button, so I think everything is good it just needs a repair on the battery port.

I needed to know from where to buy this battery port too.


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I think you may struggle to buy just the battery port but if you manage to pry it out you could clean it with rust remover and a wire brush and restore it to a good condition. These parts are normally just some nickel coated plates and springs.

I would try to carefully pry them out of their socket (might need to take them out from the underside though) and then soak them in rust remover, then give them a good scrub with a wire brush. Sometimes you can use finer grit sandpaper to remove the corrosion.

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@mohitjoshi31517 you can replace the spring terminals from battery assembly, but like @honakrisi already alluded to, it's a PITA however, it is possible. Page 17

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from the SM PSR E343 Removing it might help you to clean it and possibly restore it. BTW I am a strong believer in Citric Acid as a rust remover. It's considered non-toxic and safer for the environment than most commercially available products

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