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The Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Extreme (Gen 1) is a high-end multimedia laptop designed and manufactured by Lenovo. It was released in 2018 and is identified by the model number 20MF-000LUS.

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Laptop does not boot with RAM in second slot

There seems to be a well known problem with one of the ram slots doing in this laptop. There is a reddit thread about the problem here. I happen to be experiencing the same issue and figured I would ask if anyone has had the same issue and has found a better way of diagnosing and fixing the specific issue.

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@trvon looks like a bad RAM slot. Really not much you can do but what has already been suggested on Reddit. The only other thing would be to replace the slot, if you can source a new one and have the equipment and skills to resolder it.

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Not a solution but a work around - put a larger RAM module in the working slot to increase memory to what it was.

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