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Repair guides and instructions for the Macbook Pro 13" with 2nd generation Apple Silicon (M2 Chip) and 13.3" Retina display. Model A2338. First released July 15, 2022 at WWDC 2022 alongside the Macbook Air M2.

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Screen Problem, blurred lines at bottom of screen.


My Mac have developed some blurring at the bottom on the screen. It covers the entire width of the screen and is about 1/4" high.

I took it into Apple and they said it needed "screen controller" repair costing about $600.

Has anyone else had this issue and was able to perform a fix themselves.



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Sadly its out of warranty !!!!!!


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Ouch! Your system should still be under warranty!

Double check if it is, then go to anther Apple store or dealer as this should be a free repair!

Unless there is visible damage around the displays chin area I can’t see any reason to be denied.

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Sadly its out of warranty !!!!!!


@andrewusherwood - If its just outside the window by a few weeks I would still press Apple, But you need to lean on them a bit. Be pleasant but firm, escalate it up the food chain, I'm sure you should be able to get this fixed for free!


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I have the same problem, just just happen just I made an upgrade to Sonoma, I a few weeks after. Now, I don't know if its is hardware problem, or is it an software/driver issue. How can I tell, and take appropriate. I reverted to the original OS that come with the laptop, but the issue still persist.

Hope some can help..


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@georgetuges - Plug in an external display, if the image is clean on it, it tells us your internal displays logic is damaged and you likely need a new display assembly.


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