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Released on October 1, 2013, the HP EliteBook 850 G1 is a high-end business laptop. Repair guides and detailed information can be found here.

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laptop blinking light 9 times without turning on

my laptop blinks light 9 times when without turning on when i plug in AC adapter. But when i remove the battery and plugged in my AC adapter, the power and capslock lights and the charging lights constantly blinking without turning on.

what should i do?

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Which lights are blinking and what pattern ? This is important as they are giving you information about the state of the computer.

Click this to take you to a site from which you can down load the HP Elitebook 850 G4 Service Manual which should fairly similar to your model.

Page 92 is a good place to start for the various lights.

Take note of how to do a reset and check all connections inside.

Just found this link for Elitebook 850 G1 manuals

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Charging light blinks white lights 9 times and won’t turn on. When I remove the battery, on AC the power, charging, power button and cap lock lights be blinking constantly


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Before heading to a repair shop, try doing a hard reset: unplug the AC adapter, remove the battery, then hold the power button for about 30 seconds. Plug everything back in and see if it turns on. If not, might be time for a professional look.

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I have done that already and it still didn’t work


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I got an elitebook 840 g2. Does just like everyone else's...9 times, etc. the trick for me for whatever reason is to unplug power, take out battery for a couple seconds, put battery back in, then press power button, then very very quickly plug power adapter back in.

If I plug adapter back in before pressing power button, all the lights flash. I have to plug adapter in a heartbeat after pressing power button because the battery is dead, but if I'm quick enough it will power up like normal.

If I power down the machine properly thru windows, it will power back like normal. If I let it go into sleep mode, then it won't power back up.

Maybe this will help somebody.

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