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Repair guides and support for the Galaxy Tab S6, released in August 2019. Model number: SM-T860NZAAXAR

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Where could I get a replacement internal display?

The outer glass is fine, but the actual display is cracked and completely cooked; the tablet vibrates, but nothing on the screen shows up. The only display replacement I found was $335, surely there has to be a more affordable option?

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@mistermemer your display is fused together with things like the touchscreen etc. So your optiglass may still be okay but the LED screen has obviously failed. Since they are fused, you would be looking at a complete display assembly. Your display is an AMOLED screen and yes, those are expensive. You can opt for a used one from places like ebay or some LCD screens from Aliexpress which go for around ~USD$200 etc. but otherwise you are looking at the USD$300+ range.

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