Noice when I start the car in the morning
I heard noise when I started the car in the morning
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
I heard noise when I started the car in the morning
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
Letzte 24 Stunden: 0
Letzte 7 Tage: 0
Letzte 30 Tage: 2
Insgesamt: 144
2 Kommentare
@samdavid35334 what kind of noise? You need to give us a lot more history. What engine size, what kind of noise, what have you checked? What have you tried? Does it start? Does it drive? How does it perform?
von oldturkey03
@samdavid35334 - Does it happen faster when engine rpms are around 3-4k?
von Ben Capehart