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The Motorola Atrix 4G is dual-core Android-powered phone by Motorola. Model Number: MB860.

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Nail Polish Remover (acetone) spill on screen & phone

An unfortunate accidental spill of this solvent really did a number on the phone and especially the display/touch screen. Acetone seemed to have dissolved the plastic in some areas but not totally fused the phone to render it completely inoperable. I believe the display can be replaced that will correct the main problem. My question is how protected is the LCD? The spill happened very fast and the tissue was applied immediately after the unfortunate event. But the display has definitely been affected.

In your opinion, Are LCD modules durable? Is there a way to inspect their integrity?

I'm about ready to perform a screen replacement that I'm sure will correct the damage and allow me to use the phone again, but I would like others advice, suggestions or recommendations. I think this phone is not yet ready for the trash dump. Thanks.

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If the nail polish remover was acetone free will that make a difference?


I spilled nail polish remover on my phone and it works fine but all over the screen there is dark patches but I don't want to get it fixed cause my mum and dad don't know so I'll just not show them


If it's a glass screen put some acetone on a rag and wipe it off avoiding the edges


i spilled it on my phone while trying to do my nails, i had a glass cover on so i thought if i took that of i could just clean it up it went in my phone i put it in rice but i don't if it will work


I dropped my phone in white wall paint and it’s got inside the charger port and speaker holes. What should I do I don’t want it to dry I don’t know how to get it out! I’ve already tried using my earring but it’s not working


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Wow, really hate to read that post. I would get some 92%+ alcohol, an art brush, and an anti-static cloth to clean off any remaining acetone. Liquid flux used in soldering works nearly the same it's an acid that will eat away plastics ... btw, don't use less than 92% (some pharmacies carry 50% which is too high in water and can cause serious electronic damage). good luck!

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My sister accidentally wiped nail polish on my phone screen but nothing happened it's fine but I don't like the texture of it and I don't have nail polish remover sooo I need some recommendations that won't mess my phone up cause it was a present from my parents


I got nail polish remover in my screen and tried wiping it with a dry tissue now it is like a sticky and dry and making it hard to use.Its also glitching the smallest


do that work on blackberry phones?


and the second thx for that answer I got all of the tools!


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the problem with acetone is that it will essentially eat at anything electronic, this includes the circuit board. If enough were to get to the rear area where the pcb is, its likely that the phone is a goner.

Late reply but valuable info.

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listen man.. I did the same thing right now..now do as i say..

pour the culprit again on your screen!!..yes..take a cotton piece and dip it in thinner..smoothly rub the cotton on the screen where it had previously done damage...and within seconds u'll see ur screen getting fixed up..this is an illusion..now immidiately pour DETTOL liqiud on it..with cotton..and let it dry...

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what kind of thinner


@ melani anguisaca - Acetone is a solvent that evaporates very quickly. Yuvi is wrong about using cotton dipped in anything to RUB on the screen - that will make things worse. The irreversible damage done by acetone happens rather quickly. 95% alcohol will dilute it but you need to do that rather quickly - seconds is better than minutes - minutes is better than not at all - in an hour it might stop the last 5% of damage.


@melanie anguish can - Ty! I guess there was a ring I left of acetone on my screen. I was doing my nails outside and started getting eaten up by mosquitoes so I crammed everything in my arms and ran in. Then I was charging my phone and noticed it about 30 mins later while screen was black. I rubbed alcohol like you said- it’s gone!! Ty for the suggestion, so happy.


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how do I get the nail polish remover (non- acetone) out of my phone the screen is still working but is bubbly on the inside of the phone & looks like there is blue blotches of nail varnish remover under the screen? how could i fix my phone?

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put it in a bag of rice over night. I thought my parents were crazy when they suggested it but I left it and most of the blue went away and it was covering almost my entire screen


Oh my god. How many times must I say it. RICE. DOES. NOTHING! It doesn't do anything to the phone. Wait a week and then see how it looks. It will be dead. I really wish that stupid myth would just die off already.


It does I beg to differ with you it worked for me on many occasions I pads as well phones that dropped in the toilet! Rice soaks up the moisture in the phone etc. Trust the process! Leave it over might tho! Good luck good luck!


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I didn't get acetone on my screen, I got it on the back. (I guess I got lucky, heh.)

Is there a way to return it to it's original appearance? (The device that I'm using is an RCA tablet)

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So I didn't have a phone case so I just put nail polish on the back and I want to know how to get it off I tried acetone and it didn't work I would just leave it but I was so dumb that I covered up like half of the sound bar so now when I'm not home I can't here a thing and when someone calls I have to yell into the speaker just so they can hear me so can someone please help me find a solution to this and help me find out how to get this off

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try to use some 92%+ alcohol and a brush to clean off the acetone


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FYI: I’ve warmed dry rice in the microwave, put wet phone in it for an hour or so and had it work again. But it doesn’t seem to be helping now after a couple drops of nail polish got on it.

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I have my samsung galaxy s8 and it is cracked in the left down corner, one day i was in my bathroom and the polish remover just spilled on my phone; in the first 5 minutes nothing happened, but 10 minutes later: first, the screen went green and then it started flickering aggresively, at the point until I can’t use it anymore.

I know that there’s almost nothing I can do but please, HELP!!!!!

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If i want to fix it, do i have to replace only the screen or even the circuit board?


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I accidentally got acetone in my head phone slot and just smells like it!

What do I do

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I got makeup remover on my iPhone tried putting it in rice it didnt do anything it’s been like 2 days and it’s completely shut down

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can u put the phone or ipod in rice like u do if ur phone /ipod gets in water

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because thats what i did


Did it work?


No. It won't. RICE DOESNT DO ANYTHING!!!!! That is just a stupid myth that someone made up.


I was removing nail polish while watching you tube I spilled TWO (2) drops on my phone screen I immediately jumped up and wiped it off but it was too late my phone started glitch~ing and I could see lines I didn't know what to do so I ran over to my mom and asked her what to do she wasn't sure what to do so she put it in rice but I'm not sure if it will work so I'm googling things but I just don't understand why two drops would do this I mean I know nail polish remover is very corrosive but I didn't think two drops on the front of the screen that has a glass screen protector on it would do that


Clean with Isopropyl. It dosent hurt the circuit board and takes away moisture. Ive soaked water damaged phones circuit boards in 99% Isopropyl it took away corrosion and dried up moisture and after the phone worked again. Its actually what phone repair places do to fix them. Also with the speaker thing check inside to make sure no plastic melted covering it. Maybe try to carfully dig it out. Also not all plastics melt from acetone. Ive cleaned alot of my phones with it to get epoxy and silicone off and did no damage. Used a lightly dampened rag.. if theres spots inbetween the lcd and glass the only way to fix that is if the glass comes off separately from the lcd. Can use cotton tips and Isopropyl and a dry wipe with a clean paper towel to fix that. If not need a whole new lcd digitizer glass assembly. Ive also used rubbing alcohol and peroxide. but only on a few phones. Wouldnt recommend


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