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Informationen zur Reparatur und Demontage der tragbaren kabellosen Logitech MX Anywhere 2-Maus. Veröffentlicht im Jahr 2015 und gekennzeichnet durch die Modellnummern M-R0067, 910-004967 oder 910-004968.

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Random phantom middle click when moving cursor around

My Logitech MX anywhere 2 will random phantom middle click when moving cursor around, it won't happen if the mouse stay still. Tried rebooting computer, turn the mouse off and off, reset bluetooth connection didn't help

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the "random phantom middle click" is triggered when moving around due to the high sensitivity of that button. I think the middle mouse button may be dirty or malfunctioning.

Block Image
  • Try to clean the dust or sticky stain on the button. Using contact cleaner spray on the button
  • Or replace a new middle button.

Hope it helps

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