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Der Nintendo Game Boy Advance kam 2001 auf den Markt. Für Reparaturen braucht man keine besonderen Werkzeuge und keine Wärme.

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Very dark screen when playing games

I’ve just purchased a second hand game boy advance and it’s quite hard to see the game due to dark screen. I’ve tried the usual holding select and clicking left/right but no good. Also found the pot behind the serial number but no good unless I need a very small screwdriver but not sure. Any help greatly appreciated

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The Game Boy Advance doesn't use a backlight, which can make it hard to see the screen in low-light conditions. If you are willing to take apart the GBA and use some tools, there many backlight modifications on the web that can be used to help install a backlight into your GBA. But you must keep note: by installing a backlight mod into the GBA, you must do it correctly, as you could cause damage to your GBA if done incorrectly. You will need some tools, and a soldering iron, for the task.

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