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Apples Top-Smartphone für 2020. Das iPhone 12 Pro Max wurde am 13. Oktober angekündigt und am 13. November veröffentlicht. Es verfügt über ein 6,7-Zoll-OLED-Display, ein dreifaches Rückkamerasystem mit LiDAR und 5G-Konnektivität. Nachfolger des iPhone 11 Pro Max.

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iPhone 12 pro max - panicfull restart

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Hello. I replaced the screen and battery on my iPhone. The screen is not genuine, and my iPhone will randomly power off. Attached is the log. Is the screen defective? help me please

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hello there,

the information contained in the log (panic.log) confirms the problem with the screen. Communication via the i2c3 protocol to the display-eeprom device has been interrupted. This usually happens when someone messed with the SIP screen and caused a short circuit, as a result of an error when reballing the controller or its damage. Alternatively, the error may come from the same subsystem but on the motherboard side. In the first case, replacing the screen will solve the problem (or improving the SIP soldering). Secondly, check the resistance value for pins #40 and #38 (i2c3_ap_sda_* .500 respectively for each) on the video port. If it is lower by 50%, change the multimeter (reading error) or you are reading incorrectly (diode mode with reversed polarity). Otherwise, it may indicate damage to the bcm15960a0 touch controller, which will need to be replaced, or to the processor itself - which usually ends the life of such a device.

  • fingers crossing,

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