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Informationen und Anleitungen zur Reparatur des ThinkPad X250 Laptops von Lenovo.

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Why is my laptop producing no sound

My laptop does not produce any sound even when at full volume. It is not on mute and I've tried troubleshooting and updating audio drivers

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Hi @alvin37808,

Can you hear sounds when using headphones plugged into the audio connector on the right hand side of the laptop?


Hi @jayeff,

Yes I can hear sound from the audio connector


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2 Antworten

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Hi @alvin37808
Check in Control Panel → Sound → Playback and check if the Realtek digital output is enabled.

If not click on the entry → Properties → Device usage → select Use this device (enable) → Apply

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It's possible the cable to the speakers became loose or torn inside the case disassembly would be needed to clarify the problem

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