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Die Lenovo ThinkPad L-Serie wurde im April 2010 veröffentlicht und galt als die erste umweltfreundliche Serie in der ThinkPad-Reihe.

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Trying to source a part for Lenovo L512

The fan has quit on my Lenovo Laptop. Thankfully, the heatsink and fan are modular, and I was able to detach the DC fan from the heatsink (do they call them muffin fans in a laptop?) It's a 5V DC fan (picture below) Has anyone had any recent luck trying to find this fan or a compatible one?

Block Image
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@pmunch I am confused. Where are you located? You could just order one from places like this or from here as well as from here Not a bad price from anywhere. OF course, you can always replace the complete thermal module with something like this

Download the Hardware Maintenance Manual for your computer from here It tells you all you need to know to fix your Lenovo. Go for it.

Repair is War on Entropy!

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Thanks. I was able to source a compatible fan from NewEgg, although it took a while to get to me, and I am typing this on my now-working-again lenovo.


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