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The Canon Powershot A590 IS is an 8 megapixel digital point-and-shoot camera with a 4x optical zoom and a 2.5 inch LCD screen.

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How is the battery hatch door replaced?

The flip door over the batteries and memory has been damaged. I have a new door, but it came with no directions. I need to know how to remove the old door and install the new door.

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Gewählte Lösung

The door is held to the front assembly via a small round pin. you will have to use a very small pindriver (a small nail might just work too) and some needle nose pliers to remove it. Watch the small spring that is in the middle of the hinge. A bit tedious and it does require some good eyesight and dexterity. Hope this helps, good luck.

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It does not appear to be enough room to use the pin driver.


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