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The Nextbook Ares 11 NXA116QC164 is an Android tablet with an 11.6-inch display released in 2015.

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Will not turn on and has a flashing red light

My next book will not turn on and when it is plugged in all it does is flash a red light and I am at a compleat lose as to what do I do to fix it and if It can be fixed please help

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I am not familiar with this computer model, but I do know this:

Flashing lights at startup are indicators of a certain problem. Since I do not know the pattern, it could be anything, but usually, they indicate one of the following:

  • Memory issue (RAM cards)
  • Video issues (Graphics cards)
  • Power supply issues
  • Motherboard issues

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mine had the same issue. try plugging in a variable voltage charger into it and slowly charging it it seemed to work with mine. I hope this helps

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