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The first generation Honda CRV, produced from 1995 to 2001.

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radio is blocked

i remove the cable of the battery and the radio is blocked,plz i need a code for battery vin jhlrd18711s021886

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I have a problem with my Radio is blocked CoUld you help me for reset with the code my vin number is JHLRD18641C019079 THNKS


Ernesto, you can get a radio code here: https://radiocodevault.com/honda


Mira tengo el mismo problema le kitamos la batería y seblokio la radio y no meda ningún código de 10dijitos




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Look at this thread, I hope it answers your question.


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Mi Honda 2001 no lo puedo deslakiar el estereo


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You'll need to get a radio code to unlock it. You can get a radio code here: https://radiocodevault.com/honda

Hope it helps mate

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Tengo una CRV 99' yo cambie la battery y mi radio no work I need de code radio


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