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Fälschliche Überhitzung meines Smartphones

Telefon ist runtergefallen und schaltet sich seit dem immer nach einigen Minuten aufgrund angeblicher Überhitzung ab.
Es wird nicht merklich warm und CPU-Z zeigt mir für den Thermalsensor der Batterie 90°C an. Außerdem lädt es selbst nach längerer inaktivität (ist nicht warm) nicht.

Daraus schließe ich, dass die Batterie nicht überhitzt, sondern das Problem bei dem zuständigen Sensor liegt.
Ich würde das Gerät gerne selbst reparieren, da ich noch keinen Repairshop finden konnte der es nicht zurücksetzen würde. (möchte meine Daten gerne retten)

Im Zuge meiner recherche bin ich auf folgende Videos gestoßen:


Sie zeigen alle ungefähr den selben Prozess, und die Geräte in dem Video verhalten sich ähnlich wie meins.

Das Problem liegt darin, dass für mich schwer nachvollziehbar ist was denn dort genau passiert (denke das wird den Sensor in irgendeiner Weise umgehen aber steht nirgends was dazu) und ich den Anweisungen deshalb nicht blind folgen möchte.

  1. Ist es möglich den Sensor zu reparieren/ersetzen/entfernen(auf 20° hardwiren?)
  2. Wie öffnet man das Gerät am besten?
  3. Was macht der in den Videos beschriebene Prozess?

Update (02/02/24)

Ok so I just switched out both the charging port board and the battery, but the issue still persists. Didn't put all the screws back in yet but works exactly the same way as before.

I also found some kind of weird tinfoil-thingy (https://ibb.co/KXBj2FM)

Block Image

on the battery (attached to the middle cover I think) and was wondering if that might be somehow related to detecting its temperature.

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Gewählte Lösung

I tried disconnecting the secondary pcb and, while it was no longer possible to charge the phone or connect a cable, the thermal sensor that gave me the problem didn't show up in the system anymore, which is why I was able to move my data safely onto a SD-card.

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@wongl73 looks like they are bypassing the thermal sensors. Your phone has 4 thermal sensors. 2 are on the main board, one on the charging board and one on your battery. Since your issues started by getting dropped, I would suggest that you start by replacing the battery and the charging port. Cost is not to prohibitive. That wille will eliminate two of the thermal sensor in case it is those that are giving the wrong information. Most likely is actually the one on the battery but since you already have the phone open, I would replace the two easy ones.

There are two more on the main board but those require some micro-soldering. To work on your phone, use something like this video


@wongl73 sieht so aus, als würden sie die Wärmesensoren umgehen. Dein Telefon hat 4 Wärmesensoren. 2 befinden sich auf der Hauptplatine, einer auf der Ladeplatine und einer auf dem Akku. Da deine Probleme durch einen Sturz entstanden sind, würde ich vorschlagen, dass du zunächst den Akku und den Ladeanschluss ersetzt. Die Kosten sind nicht zu hoch. Auf diese Weise kannst du zwei der Thermosensoren ausschalten, falls diese die falschen Informationen liefern. Höchstwahrscheinlich ist es tatsächlich der auf dem Akku, aber da du das Telefon bereits geöffnet hast, würde ich die beiden einfachen ersetzen.

Es gibt noch zwei weitere auf der Hauptplatine, aber die erfordern etwas Mikrolötarbeit. Um an deinem Telefon zu arbeiten, verwende etwas wie dieses Video

Update (01/27/24)

@wongl73 so I just verified that there are 4 thermistors in the locations I previously suggested.

Block Image
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Yes, that is the charging board that I would change.

As for the battery, that is a tough one. Those are the biggest hit and miss situations since there is a lot of trickery going on with them. Lots of old batteries being sold as new etc. I would check with the iFixit EU store and see if they got those. Otherwise I would rely on @fabiann @linussoldering or @benz78 to find out who the recommended sellers in your region are.

Update (02/11/24)

The tape that holds the flex in situ is actually a factory feature

Block Image

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So my app (CPU-Z) shows 3 Sensors (not 4 strangely), of which only one (labeled "Battery") displays such high temperatures so I guess you are probably onto sth.

You are saying there are 2 on Mainboard, one on the charging board and one in the battery itself? Can you briefly explain how changing the battery and the charging port (or did you mean to write board here?) eliminates 2 of the potential sources.

The only offers for the Battery (that gives me the price in € or $) I could find are on Ebay and AliExpress.



Could you recommend getting it from one of theese sources? (you seem experienced so maybe you know a bit or two about the quality)

Regarding the chargin port, do you mean this?


Thanks a lot in advance, you already helped a lo


Ok so I found an offer on FixStore.eu (They have an original but I'll take the aftermarket one for the sake of the lower price) but I can't find any battery boards anywhere (Only Charging Port Boards) so I guess I'll try my luck just replacing the battery!

Might come back to this once I replaced the part.

Thank you very much.


@wongl73 yes, you are looking for the Charging Port Boards not a battery board. Sorry if I may have confused you. A new battery is definitely a good start. Go for it and I do hope that this will fix it.

Repair is War on Entropy!


I replaced both parts but that did not fi the issue. I assume the repair went smoothly as everything else seems to be in order (Didn't but the screws back in yet though) I found some weird tinfoil-looking thing on the battery attached to the middle cover (https://ibb.co/sWtdg3j) and was wondering if that maybe has something to do with temperature detection.


@wongl73 that is weird. Check teh flex for any issues. Maybe consider replacing it since they do have a tendency of failing. It should not give you a temperature warning but at this point, who knows :-)


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