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Drain hose leaking-- just pouring out water

GE GTW335ASN2WW The water is just pouring out of the drain hose. Maybe not installed properly?

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That's good thinking. I'll check it out. Thanks.


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Hi @wonderingwoman,

If that's an image of the drain hose going into the drain standpipe, have you checked that the drain standpipe is not blocked, by removing the hose and pouring water down the pipe?

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I was unable to duplicate the overflowing with just water I poured in. I read something about the speed the water is drained. Could it be too fast, the drain pipe can't handle that much that fast, and so it overflows?



It could be.

You could try using a garden hose and check what happens when using it to pour water down the drain.

Be careful because if it is blocked it may come back out of the pipe at you in a rush ;-)


As a renter, I am very limited on resources. I think, through trial and error, that there is a clog not too far down the pipe that the water can still get through but slowly when too much water comes too quickly. If I drain the washer in increments, it will eventually drain.

Do you think this might be a clog that I could fix?



That kind of problem should be fixed by your landlord and not you as most probably it would involve getting a plumber to clear it out.

As long as the landlord doesn't hold you responsible for it being clogged that is.


The problem is my landlord is in the hospital with a broken neck. So I was just wondering if there was anything i might TRY to clear the clog.


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