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The DJI Mavic 3 Pro was released on April 25th 2023 and is the successor to the Mavic 3 Classic and Mavic 3 drones.

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Gimbal is Broken and Needs Replacement

The gimbal on my Mavic 3 Pro is broken after a crash. I watched a video to replace the gimbal on a Mavic 3 Pro. My model is 1 version newer so just a little different assembly but very close. I had the gimbal out still attached to the camera and glued it back together. When chatting with DJI I was not able to purchase a new gimbal only without camera. I would need to send the drone in. I do not have time and the crash was operator error not machine error. The sensors over-reacted the other day so I had a small crash and the glue job is broken. I have some better glue on order and am planning to re-glue once it arrives. Is there a place to purchase the gimbal only?

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try talk to DJI, use glue to fix this device is not safe.

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I have gone round and round with them. They will not sell it without sending drone in. I found a glue that seems to make it good as new. Definitely would have preferred to have a replacement gimbal.


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