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Repair guides and disassembly information for Lenovo's 5th-gen X1 Carbon laptops. Released in January 2017.

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Guide to diagnose/repair charging circuit of X1 Carbon 5th Gen

I'm having trouble with my X1 Carbon 5th Gen laptop. I believe the charger cable may have short-circuited, as it caused the computer to turn off.

I replaced the charger with a new one, but now the laptop exhibits the following behavior:

  • The LED in the power button blinks, but the laptop doesn't turn on.
  • The battery doesn't seem to be charging, even after leaving it plugged in for a while.
  • I inspected the motherboard there is no trace of burnt capacitor or chip.

I'm hoping someone here can help me diagnose the problem and suggest potential solutions.

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@medmando @jayeff save your money. Here it is Lenovo X1 LCFC NM B141 YD1KL 3 Rev 3.08 Schematicand just in case you need this one as well Lenovo X1 YD1KL 3 VER 3.08 Boardview

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Thank you ! Very much appreciated


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Hi @medmando

You would need to have the schematics to find out what's wrong.

I can't find a free download online (you may have better luck) but if your motherboard model is an NM-B141 then here's a link where you can buy it for a relatively cheap price.

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Thank you @jayeff


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