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Das Business-Notebook von Dell mit 15,6 Zoll bietet Haltbarkeit, Verwaltbarkeit und Sicherheit im Jahr 2010.

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Can I upgrade my wifi card on this laptop?

For some reason I dont have bluetooth so I would like to know where and which internet card Is compatible with my mother board so I can have bluetooth and 5 ghz wifi. Also am I able to use cel service on windows 10 and if so how do I go about it? what other upgrades can I do besides ssd and ram upgrades?

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Hi @erickhdez1226

Have you checked the status of the Bluetooth adapter in Device Manager? It may just need the drivers updated

The laptop has separate BT and WLAN cards so if there is a BT card installed all you have to do is to upgrade the WLAN card to get both 2.4GHz and 5GHz capability.

Here is a list of the specifications for the laptop.

Scroll down to Connectivity in the list to view all the WLAN card options that will work with the model. For example an Intel Advanced-n+ Wimax 6250 622anxhmw Wifi (supplier example only) has both 2.4GHz and 5GHz signalling capability.

If you want mobile service then try searching for a Dell Wireless™ 5620 Multi-mode HSPA-EVDO Mini Card (Gobi™2000) with A-GPS (supplier example only).

Here's the service manual for the laptop.

Click on Removing and replacing parts and then select Bluetooth card¹ (to check if there is one there if there isn't one listed in Device Manager), WLAN card and WWAN card to view the procedure to remove replace these cards.

¹ If there is no BT card installed search online for Dell Wireless 375 Bluetooth module (supplier example only) to find suppliers.

Here's a list of the drivers for the laptop but there is only driver support up to Win7 so hopefully Win10 (if you have this installed) will have drivers for the cards.

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