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The Sony Xperia Z is an Android based phone that was released in 2013. It is one of the largest phones of the Xperia family with a 5-inch full HD display. Model numbers include C6603/C6602.

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Display broken, no bootup but charging light is on

What do i do ?

just replace the screen ?

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Charging lights may not be good indicators of the state of the rest of the phone. The charging light is often not controlled by the mainboard and thus your phone could be "braindead" but still have a charging light.

Could you give us more information about your predicament?

How do you know the phone isn't booting up if the display is completely obliterated and how did it get damaged?

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The Xperia Z C6603 vibrates on bootup

It was thrown

it used to do it a few days after the screen obliteration

it has been over 1 year and it does not do that anymore


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