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Informationen zur Demontage und Reparatur für das Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Android-Smartphone, erschienen im Januar 2021.

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Usa charger port compatible with international

I can only find a usa charger port but have an International version of the s21. Will the port be compatible with my phone or do I have to find an international version?

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Hi @indianarepairs

Interesting that the charge port boards have different version information on them though.

Here's an image showing the two boards for the different phone versions - G991U is USA and G991B is international.

Why go to all that trouble if the same board can be used in either model?

Block Image

(click on image)

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It's different data that's on the board, but it's mainly because they're manufactured in different places. I've swapped American and international ports for Xboxes, HP Laptops, and tablets before and it's always been the same thing. I'm sure Samsung is no different. International boards tend to be cheaper, but have a little more shipping




I've read that the international version won't work on 5G with some USA networks and I wasn't sure if the charge port board was part of the signalling system as far as any antennas were concerned etc.



@jayeff The majority of the signaling system for Samsung devices is on a separate board on the other side of the device, near the camera. Not sure if it applies to iPhones or not as I don't deal with em



Thanks for the info.



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Hey, @scottfckal40652

The main board for the S21 and the USB-C port are the exact same between the US and International models, and therefore yes you can order the one from America. The main difference between the two is battery internals prohibited by international law, and some software limitations. Good Luck.

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