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Repair guides, disassembly, and troubleshooting information for the second generation Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense controller. Identified by model number CFI-ZCT1W and motherboard model BDM-020.

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I Swapped the Trigger and Bumper Ribbon Cables

I swapped the Trigger and Bumper Ribbon Cables with new ones and now the controller doesn't power on. If I disconnect one of the t&b cables (L1/L2) and leave the other one plugged in (R1/R2) the controller powers on and R2 and R1 work. I'm confused as to why this happens. Any help?

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What if you disconnect the R1 & R2 cable? But leave the other one connected, does it still power on?


No it does not


Any solution??


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Have you doublechecked that the triggers match up with the points on the controller responsible for registering input? If not do that.

There should also be a spring in the buttons. Is this connected correctly?

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