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A1418 / EMC 2833 / Ende 2015 / 3,1 GHz Core i5 oder 3,3GHz Core i7 Prozessor. Erscheinungsdatum 13. Oktober 2015.

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Bluetooth devices are disconnecting

I have a 21.5in iMac (2015) running Monterey 12.7.2. It randomly disconnects from all bluetooth devices. I have attempted to reset the bluetooth by deleting the plist data and reseting the bluetooth module. I have checked to see if the bluetooth devices that disconnect work on my MBP and they do without issue. Is there any solution to fixing my iMac?

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Do you share BT devices between your systems? I found some devices tend to gravitate to a given system even when you don't want them to. Make sure to keep the BT devices you don't want connected as well as other systems as far as you can. See if that makes a difference.

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Would having AirPods that connect and disconnect frequently have anything to do with what you're referring to?


@brandonstewart - If they are used between the two systems.


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