Front Panel Headers for Z4 G4
Hi all. This is an incredible investigation. I am amazed by your desire to get results.
My English is bad, I read with a translator and perhaps some text is distorted for me. But the general essence is clear to me, very interesting and important.
It seems to me that I was very lucky that I found this discussion)))
I have a new Z4 G4 + core i7 7800x board, and a great desire to use it outside the original HP case, with an ATX power supply.
I know this is possible because it was done on examples of earlier Z440 boards. And there are special adapters 24 pin to 18. But unfortunately this option is not suitable for the Z4 G4.
The MB power pinout is really an HP secret and cannot be found on the Internet....
In general, the lack of a clear connection diagram for all peripherals also confuses me. Can anyone take some photos of the front panel connections on the motherboard?
I also look forward to your success in finding the true power pinout of the board.
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
I am glad you found all this helpful! But I am going to do some moderating magic and make this its own thread so people can help you with your specific question. Even though it is related to this one. It also helps other people who might have the same question as you find it more easily.
I will get you some pictures of the headers as well. It is in fact sort of a strange setup.
von Alisha C
Mod Note: This thread was branched from this thread about the Z4 G4 power supply
von Alisha C