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Neunte Generation des iPad, veröffentlicht am 24. September 2021, erhältlich als 64- oder 256-GB-Modell. Modellnummern A2602.

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Where to start diagnosing device not booting?

I want to repair my iPad, but not sure exactly what the problem is or what exactly to be looking for. Are there common reasons why iPads refused to turn on? Plugging it in doesn’t seem to charge it, not even sure if it’s just a dead battery that won’t charge or if it’s a bricked device. Was working fine two days ago before the battery ran out of charge.

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I generally recommend starting with the basics; in particular, is your device getting power? That starts with your charger; you'll definitely want to verify that it's working, either by trying a different charger/cable combination or seeing if they charge a different device.

From there we want to see if your iPad is taking in any power; the easiest way to do that is with a USB power meter; you can pick them up for like $5 on eBay. If there's no power going into the tablet then I'd want to look at the charging port next; get yourself a magnifying glass and a bright light and check the port for dirt, lint or bent/broken pins. Clean the port with 90% or higher concentration isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol in conjunction with, say a toothpick and an eyeglass cleaning cloth.

That's going to be about the extent of what you can do without opening it up. Unfortunately the charging port on your iPad is on a cable that's soldered to the logic board, so replacing it requires a fairly high degree of soldering expertise so it's not like you can just throw in a new charging port hoping it'll help.

Alisha, ( @flannelist ), do you have any suggestions beyond what I've mentioned?

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Jerry's trouble shooting steps are a great starting ground but if you have eliminated variables down to the logic board you can find excellent resources on board diagnosis on open rapor groups repair.wiki

Pual Daniels on YouTube often has video repairing many iPad board iasues, as well as Jessa Jones of iPad rehab is another indispensable source for iPad board repair.


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