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Why is my display Flickering

How do I fix my flickering display, it is hardware issue as it works alright once I hit the laptop a few times near the top half of the keyboard.

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Hi @vigneshalagappa

Seems like a loose connection, motherboard end or screen end or perhaps a damaged EDP (video) cable where it passes through the hinge to get to the display. Hopefully it isn't in the display itself.

Instead of hitting the laptop, be more specific and try gently tapping it in certain locations to see if you can narrow it down a bit more. Just hitting it could be sending vibrations throughout the case so it could be anywhere e.g. tap the left? hinge or perhaps above where the video cable plugs into the motherboard, etc.

Does it stop flickering if you gently and slowly move the lid back and forth?

Here's the hardware maintenance manual for the laptop.

This will help to open the laptop so that you can check the connections on the motherboard - see p.55 and also the cable - see p.67 and the LCD cable connection - see p.63 →.

If a part is faulty and needs to be replaced, there's a part list in the manual. Search online for the wanted part number only, (FRU number) to find suppliers that suit you best.

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Hola muchas gracias por su ayuda la cuestión es que también he realizado pruebas desconectando la pantalla y conectando cable hdmi y encendiendo la pc pero tampoco da video así

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The laptop boots but does not show booting

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