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A gaming PC is a personal computer specifically designed and optimized for playing video games.

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Turning on and off, no display

Last time, I've been experiencing this kind of issue but all i do is resetting my bios and it's working everytime i will do that troubleshoot. but this time, still blackout and didn't know what to do. if you have solutions regarding this issue, please let me know. thank you and appreciated

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Hi @angelojoas15927

What is the make and model number of the PC or motherboard if a custom build?

How were you resetting the BIOS?


@jayeff it's gigabyte z370 hd3, I'm resetting it on the motherboard itself using flat screw.


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Hi @angelojoas15927

Did you check the coin cell battery voltage?

If it is too low then this can cause problems with the BIOS.

Normally they're a 3V DC CR2032 non rechargeable battery (the type number is printed on the battery) which is available most everywhere e.g. supermarkets. If is is >4-5 years old, replace it anyway and check.

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Have you tried resetting the BIOS by removing the CMOS battery from the Motherboard during power off and then holding the Power button?

Remove coin battery on the motherboard carefully, hold the power button for 10 seconds, reinstall the battery, turn on PC. This should essentially factory default your BIOS settings permanently unless they are saved again. Would also help to check that this onboard battery is not dead.

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@ferryman yes, I've tried it before and it was working after the CMOS reset but now it's not working anymore even i tried this method.


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