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Model CUH-ZCT1. Dieser Sechsachsen-Controller mit dem 3,7 V Lithium Akku, den Sony im November 2013 auf den Markt brachte, ist leicht zu reparieren. (BEACHTE: Die Teardown-Anleitung ist NICHT für dieses Modell)

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The r2 button randomly working

when ever i play games the r2 button suddenly starts working without me pressing it

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Gewählte Lösung

There are a couple of things you can try!

  1. Try resetting your controller "On the back of your controller, you will find a tiny hole – the reset button is inside this hole. Use a small, unfolded paper clip (or something similar) to press and hold the reset button for at least five seconds. Your controller should now have been reset." - Playstation
  2. Try using a cotton swap and some isopropyl alcohol to clean around the button as it is probably sticking causing the issue of the button being pressed when it is not.
  3. If that doesn't seem to fix it you can always replace the button using this guide on Ifixit R2/L2 button replacement guide and you should be able to find replacement buttons here from Ifixit as well R2 button assembly
Includes the plastic R1 and R2 button covers and the button gasket Bild


DualShock 4 Controller Right Trigger Button Covers


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