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Apples Flaggschiff der Spitzenklasse für 2022. Das am 16. September veröffentlichte iPhone 14 Pro Max ist mit einem 6,7 Zoll ProMotion-OLED-Display, dem neuen Bionic-A16-Chip, einem dreifachen Rückkamerasystem und 5G-Konnektivität ausgestattet. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 13 Pro Max.

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Are copper wires required for button function?

The flex cable (connecting the power button with the volume up and down buttons) that is also connected to the wireless charging coil has been severed. Upon attempted replacement of said flex cable, I discovered that the existing severed flex cable is connected to small copper wires attached to the wireless charging coil. If I sever those wires and just replace the flex cable, will the buttons be operational? Note: I can do without wireless charging as long as I can still charge the phone via the charging port.

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For the circuit to work the connection is required. If you are asking about the wireless charging coil it won’t work if severed.

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I just need to know if the buttons will work again. Not concerned about the wireless charging.


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